Intelligent Catia Plugins for all joining processes

Get the max from your construction software
EASY join it: Der Name ist Programm! Die EASY join it Software – dieses CATIA-Plugin unterstützt Sie auf einfache und höchsteffektive Weise bei fast allen fügetechnischen Arbeitsschritten (joining) direkt im Konstruktionsprogramm.
EASY join it handles all joining techniques relevant for the automotive industry and offers great added value in almost every step of the product development process. With EASY join it, time-consuming file formatting is a thing of the past, as it is executed directly in the design software as a CATIA plug-in.

Save up to 80% of your working time
With the EASY join it software you not only save up to 80% of your working time, but also increase the security of your product development process to the maximum. In this way, you create a sustainable product that is developed to a high quality, is clearly documented and is clearly and comprehensibly recorded in the development process at every future point in time. And since the software is developed as a CATIA plugin, all results can be viewed using just one program.
- Easy creation of joining elements (welding points and seams) on your product
- fully automatic analysis of all joining elements
- automated, fully optimized checking and verification of the welding gun geometry
- Partially automated creation of fully comprehensive, cleanly structured process documentation
We rely on EASY join it!
Whether automobile manufacturing or agriculture, whether OEM or supplier, whether corporation or small business, EASY join it is already being used successfully in many companies. The high flexibility of the CATIA plugin makes this possible. The tool can be used from the initial development stage of a product right through to the final development of component holding devices and helps the user to effectively save time.

By using the software as a CATIA plugin, various scenarios and optimizations can be implemented directly in the design program.
- Feasibility testing during the development of a new product, even if there are no joining elements at an early stage
- Plier accessibility testing during the design of a clamping device, carried out directly by the designer
- Feasibility test when integrating a new product into an existing production line
- Early protection of joining tools and therefore significantly more time to procure new pliers that may be required
- Optimization of the utilization of existing welding cells
- Optimization of production capacities by distribution to optimal welding guns
- Direct design and/or optimization of joining tools according to the interference geometry
- Direct documentation of all examinations directly in the design program
4 coordinated software modules for
the entire design process chain
The EASY join it software has a modular structure and can be flexibly adapted to your needs. Configure your individual CATIA plugin, which will support you where you really need support.
Interested in a personal consultation?
Michael Koopmann

+49 (0) 22 34 / 21 97 3-21